Book Week
Books came alive at Aubin Grove Primary School as students dressed up to celebrate National Book Week.
Books came alive at Aubin Grove Primary School as students dressed up to celebrate National Book Week.
Aubin Grove students from Years 3-6 participated in the Faction Athletics Carnival last week.
Please read on for recent events at Aubin Grove Primary School. School will resume for Term Four on Monday October 9.
Please read on for messages from Mr Pansini as the end of term approaches, including information on our Open Night and Book Week parade.
An exciting event, Aubin Grove Primary School is proud to host International Best-Selling Children’s Author & highly sought after Motivational Speaker, Holly Nunan presenting her “Powerful Parenting” workshop on Monday 18th September.
Tickets are strictly limited and on sale NOW.
As hosts, AGPS families are 1st to hear of this special event, so make sure you secure your ticket NOW.
Make the most of this opportunity as AGPS leads the way in WA as a forward thinking community providing a positive approach to parenting our happy, healthy kids.
Please see link below for our Local Business Advertising and Community Service Directory. This is being sent to keep you informed of what is available in the area for you and your children.
I hope you find it useful and informative. Please feel free to make sure any similar community organisations aware of this service and invite them to email the school if they wish to be included.
P&C School Disco update
Read on to find out about recent events including our visit from Channel 9, as well as upcoming events such as the MacBook 1:1 Information Evening and Open Night.
2018 Kindergarten enrolment update.
Office: (08) 6174 6500
85 Camden Bvd
Aubin Grove WA 6164