PEAC (Primary Extension & Challenge)

PEAC (Primary Extension & Challenge)

The Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program provides part time extension for gifted and talented students in Years 5 and 6.
PEAC offers a range of courses that provide the most able students with opportunities for extension and enrichment work that is intellectually challenging.

All students across the state in government schools, who are in Year 4, have the opportunity to be assessed for suitability for the PEAC Program.
Students who are performing well at school are possible candidates for the program. Together, we ensure that all students who have potential for high academic performance are identified.

The testing for PEAC takes place at Aubin Grove Primary School during Term 3.

There are two tests: Verbal Reasoning and Mathematical Reasoning. Both of these assessments take 20 minutes to complete. The Department of Education and Training score the results electronically. Your child’s test results will remain confidential; however, parents can request their child’s results.
Notification of success in gaining a placement into the PEAC program is provided to the school and then sent to parents in Term 4.

If you have any questions about the PEAC selection process, please contact the school.