Reporting to Families

Reporting to Families


Successful education requires close communication between families, school staff and children. Regular communication between home and school assists in achieving the best possible educational outcome for every child. Aubin Grove Primary School views the communication process as a partnership where everyone is sharing information.

Aubin Grove Primary School encourages and fosters partnerships with families in several ways:

  • Families are informed of intended learning outcomes for their child
  • Families are encouraged to share information about their children on an individual basis or at family/teacher meetings
  • Comments, suggestions and feedback is sought from families on their child, their educational program and the school and its programs.

Ways of Communicating between Home and School

Ongoing communication throughout the year is critical to ensure families are informed of their child’s learning and time at school. This also provides families with the opportunity to share with the school what they are noticing about their child’s learning and any other information the school may need about home which could impact on the child’s learning.

Communication Strategies

Communication strategies may vary slightly from classroom to classroom. Strategies may include:

  • A family communication board outside the classroom
  • Incidental conversations between family members, teachers and support staff
  • Family information evenings
  • Class family information booklets
  • Telephone calls and emails, including responding promptly to phone calls and emails
  • Requested meetings by either the family or school
  • Case conferences
  • Individual notes home in a diary or communication book
  • Letters home highlighting a child’s strengths or an area of concern
  • Three-way conversations involving a family member, the child and teacher
  • Individual Education Plans
  • Assemblies
  • Homework
  • Newsletters
  • Parent/Student/Teacher Interview
  • Transition report
  • An interview with families for students who begin at Aubin Grove after the start of the school year, within the student’s first few weeks at the school

Areas of Concern

Families should never be surprised when they receive information about their child’s learning in a formal report. Teachers will keep families regularly informed of each child’s progress and achievement so strategies can be put in place quickly to assist your child.

Overview of the Term

At the beginning of each term teachers will provide families with an overview of the term. This is to include information about:

  • the topics being covered through out the term
  • key concepts being taught.

Formal Reports

Formal reports are only one aspect of the communication process and act to consolidate the information families  receive regularly from their child’s teacher during the course of the year. Families may also  receive a variety of formal reports during the year depending on the year level of their child and the time she/ he has been enrolled at the school.

Department of Education Reports

At the end of each semester (July and December) students in Kindergarten to Year Six will receive a formal report that uses the Department of Education’s Formal Reporting format. This report formally summarises the progress and achievement made by the student up to that point in time.

These reports follow the Department of Education’s Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy (2010). They reflect children’s progress and achievement of the learning outcomes outlined in the WA Outcomes and Standards Framework and the Australian Curriculum. Teachers make judgements of student achievement through the use of grades (A-E).

Teachers also report on students’ attitude, behaviour and effort.

Transition Report

The transition report is issued to children who have been enrolled at Aubin Grove Primary School for between five weeks and one term. This period of time is considered too short to enable teachers to make valid judgements regarding the students’ achievement. The student will receive a Department of Education summative report in the next reporting cycle.


Children in Years 3 and 5 will take part in the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These assessments take place in May each year, and families will receive a report of their child’s performance in the areas of  Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Mathematics in by the end of Term Three each year.

On-Entry Assessment

Pre-primary will complete the On-Entry Assessment in Term One of each year. Families will receive an On-Entry Assessment report at the end of Term One or beginning of Term Two.

Key Communication Dates

Term One

  • K-6: Family Information (by the end of week 3, Term 1)
  • Pre-primary: On-Entry Assessment Report
  • Parent/student/teachers interviews

Term Two

  • Department of Education Reports Years K-6 (Week 10)
  • Transition report (if applicable)

Term Three

  • School Open Night – Kindergarten to Year Six
  • NAPLAN results

Term Four

  • Department of Education Reports Years K-6 (last week of term)

NOTE: This timeline sets out the key formal reporting strategies for the year. It does not include other ongoing reporting that takes place incidentally and on a needs basis such as informal conversations that occur at the point of need and which lead to the development of appropriate intervention strategies.

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