School News- 4 September 2017

Read on to find out about recent events including our visit from Channel 9, as well as upcoming events such as the MacBook 1:1 Information Evening and Open Night.

Kindergarten 2018

2018 Kindergarten enrolment update.

Year 6 Fundraising Events

The final two events organised by the Year 6 Fundraising Committee will be held this Friday, August 25 and Saturday, August 26, with all funds raised going towards the Year 6 students’ Big Week Out and Graduation Dinner/Dance.

A Tale to Tell

ARTNET presents an exciting showcase of student artwork focusing on Illustrators, Art Literacy, Multicultural Storytelling and much more……

Lost Property – New RagTagd tagging system

Aubin Grove Primary School is introducing an innovative new tagging system to help families recover lost property more quickly and easily.

Free Dress Day – Friday 25th August

“Free-Dress Day – Dress Up As Your Favourite Sporting Team!”

Friday 25th August (Week 6)

Gold Coin Donation, payable to your teacher please… Thank you for supporting the Year 6 Big Week Out & Graduation!

P&C News – 18th August

Upcoming P&C Events

Father’s Day – Monday 28th August & Thursday 31st August
Forms should have come home with your children for the Father’s Day Stall over the last few days. Payment of $7.00 can be made online via Flexischools
Alternatively, the completed form with the correct money can be returned via the P&C mailbox at the back of the School Office. Please mark envelopes ‘Father’s Day’. Payments need to be made by Friday 25th August for cash payments and Sunday 27th August for online Flexischools payments.

Please find a copy of the form here

Volunteers for the Father’s Day Stall

Volunteers are needed to help take the mobile Father’s Day stall around to classes. Can you please HELP!

Monday 28th August
8.45am – 10.35am or 11.05am – 12.35pm
Thursday 31st August
8.45am – 10.35am
Please email the P&C or contact Kay 0450 472 200 if you can help. Any help will be greatly appreciated


Lollipops Play Date – Friday 1st September

The P&C is excited to present the Kindy and Pre Primary play date to be held on Friday

1st September from 5.30 – 7.30pm. This event is in place of the usual disco as we feel that this is a much better option for our younger students. The play date is $10 per child and will be held at:

Lollipops Playland and Cafe

4/622 Karel Ave


(near Jandakot Spud Shed)

Whilst this event has been organised by the P&C for your children, Parents must stay at Lollipops to supervise their child/children. It is a fantastic opportunity to get to know other families that share a class with your child and for your child to develop friendships within their class. The Cafe will be open to purchase a limited range of food and drinks during the play date.

Due to space restrictions there are a limited number of tickets available to this event. Tickets are on sale from now until Monday 28th August unless sold out prior to this date. So that we can keep track of how many tickets that have been sold, tickets will only be available by cash purchase. Please place completed form and $10 in an envelope marked ‘Lollipops’ in the P&C mailbox at the back of the School Office.  Additional copy of the form can be found at


Disco – Friday 8th September

Another great event put on by the P&C Fundraising Committee is this year’s school disco, for year 1-6 students, on Friday 8th September in the Aubin Grove Undercover Area.

Yr1: 4.00-5.00pm

Yr2 & Yr3: 5.30 – 6.30pm

Yr4 / Yr5 / Yr6: 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Tickets are now on sale for $7.50 per child and can be purchased two ways – via Flexischools by cash. Disco forms should be coming home over the next couple of days. Additional copy of the form can found at

Cash sales – complete the form and return with the correct money ($7.50) in an envelope marked ‘Disco’ to the P&C mailbox at the back of the School Office. Payments need to be made by Friday 1st September for cash payments.


P&C Fundraising Team

School News- 4 August 2017

Read on to meet our new school chaplain, as well as other news and upcoming events.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data for School Students with Disability

All schools in Australia, including Independent and Catholic schools, will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability every year.

The Data Collection is an annual count of the number of students with disability receiving educational adjustments to support their participation in education on the same basis as students without disability.

All education agencies are now required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013, to provide information on a students’ level of education, disability and level adjustment to the Australian Government of Education. Data will continue to be de-identified prior to its transfer and no student’s identity will be provided to the Australian Government Department of Education.

The collection of this information from states and territories will inform future policy and program planning in relation to students with disability.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact  Mesha Steel Deputy Principal on 9499 4009 or the Western Australian Department of Education NCCD Helpline on 0477 741 598.

Kind regards

Frank Pansini