Book Week Parade – Week 10,  Friday 21st September

Dear Families

This term we will once again be celebrating Book Week in week 10 culminating in our wonderful Book Week Parade on the final Friday of term. The theme for this year’s Book Week is Find Your Treasure. This conjures ideas of adventure, discovery, pirates and treasure chests. It may also link to treasured memories and thinking of books as treasure and our libraries as treasure chests!

If you are starting to think of costume ideas for the Book Week Parade, your child may wish to dress-up as a character from one of the many wonderful Book Week texts or a favourite book from home. Shortlisted Book titles for Younger Readers and Early Childhood can be viewed at the following link to the CBCA website.

There will be a selection of CBCA books available for borrowing in the Library in the near future. The lovely ladies in the Library will inform teachers and students when these will be available.

More news to follow soon.

Clare Chapman

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data For Schools With Disabilities 2018

All schools in Australia, including Independent and Catholic schools, will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability every year.

The Data Collection is an annual count of the number of students with disability receiving educational adjustments to support their participation in education on the same basis as students without disability.

All education agencies are now required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013, to provide information on a students’ level of education, disability and level adjustment to the Australian Government of Education. Data will continue to be de-identified prior to its transfer and no student’s identity will be provided to the Australian Government Department of Education.

The collection of this information from states and territories will inform future policy and program planning in relation to students with disability.

For further information about NCCD please read the fact sheet for parents or contact Mrs Kathryn Grzelec on 9499 4009.

Frank Pansini